My pastor has been preaching on faith the past month and if there is one thing we all need its more faith. When JESUS went through the torcher he went through and hung on the cross to die he had to have faith in GOD that is way beyond our imagination. Faith is something the devil wants you and me not to have and he works hard to plant seeds of doubt in us in many ways. One big way the devil has used to plant many bad seeds is from all the new bibles that has been published thats not a KING JAMES VERSION. Dont except any imitation because the  KING JAMES BIBLE  Is the original version of the word of GOD and tells us all the great things that our LORD JESUS CHRIST spoke of and did for me and you! Thousands of people many of these being christians has bought into the belief of whats being taught in these new perversion bibles, because of words being left out and words being twisted around people now believe that things just didnt happen the way they first thought, if one of these persons is you then the devil has planted a bad seed in your mind and my advice to you is rebuke the devil and throw that perversion in the garbage and buy you the truth, the KING JAMES VERSION! I want to talk to you about hope for a minute because without it your in trouble. The bible says, Happy is he that hath the GOD of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the LORD his GOD. Psalms 146;5. (KJV) Do you know why there is so many miserable christians today? Its because they got their hope in the wrong thing. People put their hope in money and they become so obsessed with it that it becomes more important than anything. People put their hope in their job and before you know it that becomes the most important part of their life. People put their hope in a woman or man only to be let down time and time again. There is only one way your hope will not let you down, put it in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. It would be impossible for us to count the times that we put our hope on something in this old world only to be let down. The bible says, For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scripture might have hope. Romans 15;4. (KJV) There is a powerful lie that the devil has told many people for years and has caused many to commit suicide and its this; There is no hope for you! Just remember the devil is a liar and the father of all lies and that will never change. Until next time lets work on putting all our hope in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, GOD bless you all.

I Pray That This Message Makes A Difference In Somebodys Life Today.